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Enterprise Content Management

Xaldon Professional Services ensure your Enterprise Content Management projects are successful and meet your technical requirements.

Our Senior consultants provide expert guidance based on their in-depth experience in Enterprise Content Management.

  • IBM FileNet P8 Buzz API
    We have been involved in multiple customer projects based on the IBM FileNet P8 3.5.x API (the Buzz API), P8 Workplace customizations and provide with simpleecm our own API abstraction for FileNet P8.
  • IBM FileNet P8 Daphne API
    Our OpenDMA FileNet P8 daphne adapter proves our deep understanding of the new FileNet architecture. Please see also our Blog posts about P8.
  • IBM Content Manager
  • Alfresco
  • Content Management Interopability Services (CMIS)
  • Java Content Repository (JCR)
  • Jackrabbit